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-Nov.6-14       Solo exhibition at SPACE129 (KOREA)

-Oct.2-Nov.8   Exhibited at “The 12th Congju International Art Festival”

-Jul.6-18         Shuji Yamamoto solo exhibition “kI” at GALLERY HAKU in Osaka

-Feb. 23-28     Exhibited at “Who’s who Art 2015” at Gallery Kiku in Osaka




-Dec.13-28     Exhibited at “ZONE Theme Exhibition 2014 –Fjunbijutsu-“

-Oct.                Solo exhibition “Musubi” at GALLERY HAKU in Osaka

-Sep.5-15       Exhibited at “Iwami Contemporary Art Exhibition 2014”

                       (Other exhibitor---Hong Hyun-Ki)

-Jul.26-Aug.24    Exhibited at “Amagasaki Art Festival 2014” at Amagasaki General Cultural Center

-Jul.17-27      Exhibited at “Himeji Castle The fourth Modern Art Biennial exhibition”




-Aug.25-Sep.1   Exhibited at “Iwami Contemporary Art Exhibition 2013”

                           (Other exhibitors---CHE Sokuho、Kim Sondon、Yoshitaka Takagi)

-Jul.17-27      Exhibited at Hashimototei of “MINOH no MORI ART WALK 2013”

                        (Other exhibitors---Kenji Etori, Shinichi Sugimoto, Yoichi Takada, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Hisato Nagano)


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